Bringing Advanced Care Home
Keeping Patients Close to Home for Vital Scans
Between 2017-2023, The J. Michael Carroll Cancer Center served 1,457 patients, while The Porter Heart & Vascular Center cared for 21,667. Too many of our friends and family have had to travel out of our community for PET-CT scans, disrupting their lives and healing journey.
Join Us in Keeping Our Community Together!
A Key Diagnostic Tool
PET-CT scans of the heart can detect whether areas of the heart muscle are receiving enough blood, if there is heart damage or scar tissue in the heart, or if there is a build up of abnormal substances in the heart muscle.
An oncological PET-CT scan is integral in the assessment and staging of cancer. This comprehensive data is crucial for developing an effective treatment plan and evaluating the efficacy of ongoing treatment.
Anchorage has 3 PET-CT scanners. Fairbanks has the patient volume to justify basing a PET-CT scanner that will enable patients to remain in their community for this study.
The Greater Fairbanks Community Hospital Foundation has always worked to provide first class medical facilities and technology based on the community’s needs.
Home Feels Best
Airfare and accommodations...the expenses add up.
Not all patients have the financial means to travel to Anchorage or the lower 48 for a PET-CT scan. Additionally, factors such as health condition and lack of a support network may further hinder their ability to undertake such journeys.
Quality of Life
Who wants to travel when not feeling well?
Acquiring a PET-CT scanner for Fairbanks would not only enhance the quality of care but also streamline the diagnostic process for patients and their health care providers.
Our Goal: $6,000,000
A lofty goal, but with your support we can get there!
Indeed, securing such a significant amount of funding is a formidable challenge. For a non-profit community hospital, fundraising is essential to undertake a project of this magnitude. This endeavor not only requires strategic planning and robust outreach efforts but also a strong appeal to the community's sense of shared responsibility and investment in health care advancements. Engaging donors effectively to meet financial goals is crucial for the successful implementation of this project.
Donate today!
Contact our office to make a contribution over the phone at 907-458-5550, or make a secure online donation!

Currently, all Interior Alaska patients needing a PET-CT (Positron Emission Tomography) scan must travel to Anchorage or out of state for this scan.
PET-CT scans are commonly used in oncology (cancer diagnosis and staging), neurology (brain imaging), and cardiology (heart imaging), among other medical specialties. They are valuable tools for diagnosing and staging diseases, monitoring treatment response, and planning further treatment strategies.
The incidence of cancer and cardiac illness continues to rise across the United States. Minimizing the need for patient travel stands paramount. Not only does travel impose additional time and financial burdens, but it also introduces delays in diagnosis and exacerbates the challenges of adhering to regular post-treatment monitoring protocols